12HSA - 12 Hyrdoxy Stearic Acid Castor Derivative

Technical Details of 12 HSA - 12 Hydroxy Stearic Acid Castor Derivative

Synonyms12 HSA, 12 Hydroxy Stearic Acid, Castor Derivative
CAS No106-14-9
Molecular Weight300.5
Molecular StructureC18H36O3

Specifications of 12 HSA - 12 Hydroxy Stearic Acid Castor Derivative

AppearanceSolid White Flakes or Powder
Purity / Strength?95%

* Notes : 12-Hydroxy Stearic Acid (12-H.S.A.) Flakes/ Powder

Applications of 12 HSA - 12 Hydroxy Stearic Acid Castor Derivative

12-HSA is a useful component in hot-melt adhesives, inks and polishes, that reacts with acrylic esters to create durable and strong thermosetting polymers. These thermosetting polymers are used as a coating in metal-decorative finishes, industrial appliances and high-quality automotive applications.

Packing of 12 HSA - 12 Hydroxy Stearic Acid Castor Derivative

Packing in 25 KG/50 kg HDPE/Paper Bags/500 Kg Big Bags/1000 Kg Big Bags. HDPE Laminated PP bags. Plastic re-inforced paper bags.

Features / Description of 12 HSA - 12 Hydroxy Stearic Acid Castor Derivative

SevenPH Interchem is manufacturing and exporting 12HSA which is also known as 12 Hydroxy Stearic Acid. It is a derivative of Castor Oil and available in solid form with highest purity standard. Standard-grade 12-HSA is a saturated fatty acid produced by hydrogenating castor oil, which is naturally derived from castor beans. The oil’s double bonds are saturated as a result of hydrogenation, producing stearic acid. Manufacturers perform the process at room temperature using pressure and an alcohol solvent.